Having a credit card or loan requires careful budgeting and planning, so you can get it paid off responsibly. Installment loans, such as car loans, have a set amount you pay every month. This amount is decided in advance of you accepting the loan terms. A credit car loan is different because the
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Your finances are much better off with a good credit score, so you want to make sure that you’re not doing too much damage by applying for new credit. When you put in an application for a card, the card issuer will look at your credit history in what is known as an inquiry. This is so they can find

So, you want more housing options. You want the ability to qualify for loans with low fees and low-interest rates. You want insurance discounts and security deposit immunity on utilities. Working towards maintaining a good credit score makes perfect financial sense, especially now, in 2021. But,

With the new year already in full swing, it’s an ideal time to take a look at how you can pay down those debts. Maybe this was one of your new year’s resolutions. Even if it wasn’t, most people are eager to see that debt number decrease. So, how can you tackle the debt and watch it disappear? One

With the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping across the country,millions of Americanshave found themselves out of a job. For some people, it was a temporary bump in the road, and for others, the financial loss is still ongoing.According to Pew Research, of those who have lost a job due to the

As the new year is now in full swing and we’re headed toward spring, there is still plenty of time to make this year a better one for your credit. Having adecent credit reportis vital to your future opportunities. Lenders are quick to check out your credit when making decisions about your

When a lender pulls yourcredit or FICO score, one of the factors impacting that score is new credit. Since everything thatinfluences your scorein either direction is important to the type of interest rate you’ll get, it’s essential to understand how new creditwill affect your score. New credit

When the coronavirus pandemic struck our shores, we didn’t really know how it would affect our country. Not only did the virus take the lives of many people, but it also impacted the United States economy. With the economy taking a downturn, people have struggled to make ends meet.
Fortunately, the

Have you ever compared different credit reports? Depending on the date that you request and receive a report, your credit score could be different between various reports from different credit bureaus.
Did you know that there are many more different credit scores than what you can receive through a

Bad credit can affect everything about your life—including your business if you own your own company. We've talked about the importance of monitoring your credit for credit repair, McKinney business owners—but does that also apply to a business credit score?
Do you need a business credit score? If
What can you do to maintain a good credit score and the benefits that come with it? A better credit score helps you now and in the future when you're ready to retire--and beyond!
If you've never set
Credit card management requires the right strategy to use cards smartly and boost your credit score. They can be a great financial tool, but they can also lead to excessive spending and bad credit
Are you wondering, “should I fix my credit score?” That 3-digit score can make or break your retirement and many financial decisions in between!
A high credit score doesn't happen without working for
Should you heed advice from the best credit repair Dallas offers as you grow older or at any point in your retirement? Maintaining good credit is critical at any age—even through retirement.