If you’re struggling with poor credit, your expenses are higher than you pay if you repair your credit. You’re probably dealing with higher auto insurance rates at an average difference of over $1,000 higher per year. You pay higher interest rates on mortgages, sometimes a difference of $68,000 over the life of a loan compared to someone with an excellent score. It can be harder to work on fixing your credit when no lenders are willing to work with you, or only work with you at rates you cannot afford.
When you have a bad credit score, the extra costs that add up can make it feel like you’ll never get ahead.
Credit repair usually takes a little time, but it is possible to give your credit a significant boost if you’re in a pinch and need to raise your credit score quickly.
Add Authorized User Tradelines
Adding authorized user tradelines to your credit report can give you a significant boost to your credit score in approximately one month.
If your credit score is very poor, under 620 points, then it is possible to get a big boost quickly by increasing the age of your credit, lowering your credit utilization ratio, and improving your payment history - all changes that occur when you purchase the right authorized user tradelines.
How do I Boost my Credit Score Fast?
If you’re in a pinch and need to boost your credit score, follow these steps:
- Stop applying for credit. Inquiries will damage your score right away.
- Pay off any past due balances. Late payments hurt your credit score the most.
- Add authorized user tradelines to your account. Adding tradelines will increase the length of your credit history, lower your total utilization, and add a record of perfect payments to your credit report.
By taking these steps, it is possible to increase your credit score by 100 points in some instances.
Contact Credit Diva of Dallas about our seasoned authorized user tradeline packages. We can help you purchase the right tradelines for your specific needs.
Are you ready to boost your credit score with tradelines? Sign up now!